Most Churchyards and Cemeteries ask for a minimum of 6 months to have passed before a memorial can be placed. This is the case for both new and reopen burials and can vary from place to place, as some ask for 9 months to have passed. This time is asked for so the ground has time to settle after a burial.
If the memorial you have ordered is not in stock, the delivery time to reach our workshop can take up to 12 weeks. From then we try and get the stones out as soon as possible, but as you can appreciate, a memorial is something that can’t be rushed. All Richmond District Council run cemeteries have to have special made monolith (straight-in-ground) memorial and will have a longer delivery time.
This is charged by the cemetery/churchyard for the right to place a memorial, we have to pay this in advance in order to secure permission to erect the memorial, this is paid directly to the Church or burial board.
All churchyards and Cemeteries have rules for what type and size of stone they will allow, we can advise if you are unsure that the stone you like would be allowed.